Interment of Cremated Remains (ashes) at St. Paul's
A Lawned area has been set aside by St. Paul's P.C.C. as a Garden of Remembrance for the interment of ashes. Our practice in this area is to be different from the other areas in which cremated remains are intered, in that:
Ashes may NOT be buried in a container of any description, they are to be poured into the ground
The place of interment is NOT to be marked by any memorial, however, the interment will be recorded in the Burial Register.
A record of the name of the deceased can be made in the Book of Remembrance maintained in the church, following a written request and a donation.
Flowers or other tributes may NOT be placed on the area in vases or other containers, or planted in the ground, artificial flowers or foliage may NOT be placed on the area.
Flowers and wreaths placed on the area will be removed when dead or wilted.
There is a large headstone in the churchyard upon which you can arrange to have the name of your loved one engraved along with the date of birth and death. If you wish to avail yourself of this facility please provide a written request to the vicar or wardens with the required fee for the engraving.
The place of interment may be reused after the lapse of 25 years with the permission of the family concerned, or after 50 years if permission cannot be obtained.
These regulations are in accordance with the 'Model Regulations For Gardens Of Remembrance' set down by the Diocese of Liverpool and do not affect the interment of ashes in existing grave or ashes plots where space permits
THE BEST WAY FORWARD is to consider you situation BEFORE having the ashes intered in the Garden of Remembrance and request guidence if you have any doubts or questions
St. Paul's P.C.C